
The Future Has No Gender

what is our advocacy about?

Katangi-tangi aims to raise awareness about Gender Sensitivity--an important concept that has been expanded to give respect to each and every individual regardless of their gender. It is a way to diminish personal barriers caused by sexism; ultimately creating societal development.

Raising awareness about this topic helps facilitate the exchange of ideas, improve mutual understanding and develop competencies and skills necessary for societal change. It promotes and encourages a general understanding of gender-related challenges. Providing reliable and accessible information about the issue helps build a better understanding of gender equality as a core value of our society.

What problem does it tackle?

Gender inequality is a massive part of the fabric of society, and lots of people don’t even notice it. It exists in all social institutions: family, education, healthcare, government, religion and so forth. Gender-based discrimination is a phenomenon deeply rooted in this issue; a notable violation of human rights in all societes, therefore, calls for zero tolerance.


Encourage people to stand for the right of every individual and take responsibility on where your standpoint isRaise awareness about the ongoing gender issues of the global communityExpress acceptance and provide support to gender diverse peopleLet people know of certain habits that promote respect to people’s gender identity such as using a person’s preferred name and pronouns


  • Talk in an open, non-judgmental way about their identity.

  • Express acceptance and provide support.

  • The family members and other people must respect their gender identity and expression, including using their preferred name and pronouns.

  • Believe they can have a full, happy future as an adult.

  • A simple acceptance give a bigger effect to the person, it will lower the risk of self harm and suicide. Generally, it will give happiness to each and everyone.

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#PantayTayo #HindiKaOthers 💛✨

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Women are entitled to live with dignity and with freedom from what they want and what they fear. But just like all of us do, women also experience gender inequality. According to research, women and girls are still much more likely than men to be poor and illiterate. They have less access to property ownership, credit, training and employment. They are far less likely than men to be politically active and far more likely to be victims of domestic abuse and other forms of violence.
#PantayTayo #HindiKaOthers 💛✨


Gender equality and women's empowerment. (n.d.). United Nations Sustainable Development.

Gender equality. (n.d.). UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund.

Leach, A. (2017, October 6). 12 steps to achieve gender equality in our lifetimes. the Guardian.

Treat everyone with kindness. Period. No exceptions. -Kiana Tom

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